Laskar Dewananda (The Most Beautiful Sunset).

Apr 17, 2022


Your hand holding mine as if you never want to let me go. And inside my head, I’m on my knees praying to God that you’re staying with me as long as possible. Or maybe I’m unconsciously praying for the impossible too that as long as possible means forever.

Laskar Dewananda. Gosh, even your name sounds so beautiful.

“Hey, love.” You whispered in my ear making me break the intense eye contact that I’m making with the golden-red sky in front of us.

“Hm?” I hummed softly in response-letting you know that I was all ears.

“I love you, you know?” You suddenly said as you let go of my hand and proceeded to wrap your hands around my body gently as if I were made of glass and would shatter any time soon.

I know. very well.




Written by her

Did I do something wrong or did something do me wrong?

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